Jon, I hope you're reading this ;)

Our Ala Moana Victoria's Secret doesn't carry the Patriots Pink line :( If anyone in MA is reading this, I'm size L. :D

Ala Moana does carry the sleep tees though. Size L, kthxbai!

I just discovered Sephora the other day. Here are two of the things that I really wanted. The green primer thingamawhatsit reduces redness on your face. Have you guys met me? Perfect gift for me. The frangrace sampler gives you a coupon inside for an upgrade to a free full size perfume after! Amazing!

Also, Celtics or Pats gear of any form would be awesome since I can't find much out here and shipping is so damn expensive. :)
Gift cards?
Executive Chef
Charlotte Russe
Forever 21
Wet Seal
Victoria's Secret
Bath & Body Works (they're opening one here in March finally!!!)
lmao it was the smashbox photofinish primer. they also have the smaller size in the green one around the register area. and you only need to use a really small bit so it lasts a long time!